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After accounting for the money Zach had stiffed me, I'd pulled only fourteen dollars in tips today. In the Pizza Hut parking lot, I flicked on the dome light in my truck and counted out the cash in my belt, my hands trembling, making sure the correct amount was there. I needed to get the money belt back to the restaurant before Mario left for the night. I'd have to pay for them out of my tips, in any case.Īs I drove back to the restaurant, memories of what had happened came to me in flashes. I pushed myself up and limped past the gate, back to my truck, bending to grab the uneaten bag of breadsticks on my way. I spit into the pool and saw darkness-blood-swirl in the golden light of the submerged lights before it was sucked gently into the pool filter. and high on the adrenaline of what had just happened-what they'd just done to me. They were laughing and sort of play-wrestling with each other, still naked. I looked into the house and saw Zach and the ginger chugging beers in the kitchen.

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When it was all over, I stumbled to the edge of the pool and knelt to fish my hat from where it was floating, next to the filter intake. If this is not up your alley, please click elsewhere! All sexual contact described occurs between adults aged eighteen years and older. Author's note: This series contains (occasional) descriptions of rough and forced sex, some of which crosses the boundaries of consent.

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